easyclick2call is an effective online marketing solution that makes it easy for potential customers to contact you!
- Reduces website abandonment by encouraging website visitors to take that final step of contacting you. Within the first week of installing easyclick2call , some companies have reported an increase in their customer conversion rate of up to 38%.
- Very low call rates.
- Our call reporting feature lets you: calculate return on advertising investment; and if advertising is your business, create “pay per phone lead” pricing structures.
- With minimal monthly recurring fees, charges for the easyclick2call service will be based primarily on the time that you spend speaking with potential customers.
- Daily call reporting makes charging for the leads simple and convenient.
- easyclick2call forwards voice messages to by email. If you miss a call or the line is busy, you can receive the caller’s message instantly..
- Missed Call Alert emails: if a call is missed or the caller doesn’t leave a message, we can email you a Missed Call Notification advising that a potential customer just called, and listing the time of the call and the caller’s phone number. You can then return the call immediately, and potentially make another sale.
- With Delacon’s unique “Whisper” feature, you will always know where calls are coming from. At the beginning of every call, the person answering will hear “…another lead from [name of your website or other location of easyclick2call button]”
- Time of day routing allows you to direct your calls to different answer points according to the time of day.
- Delacon can set up a full call reporting suite tailored specifically for your business. easyclick2call allows you to track all phone numbers that call your system, generating an instant lead list and allowing you to accurately measure website ROI.
- You can access live billing updates so you know exactly how much you're spending. You only pay for the calls you receive;-there are no set up fees or monthly fees, and no “lock–in” contract.
- Every time a call comes through, we can automatically send a notification email to one or more specified email addresses.
- The easyclick2call icon can be placed on any web-based communication, including e-newsletters, email signatures and web advertisements, so you can really bring your 'call to action' to life.
- You can install easyclick2call without making any investment in new software. The application is entirely online and doesn’t require you or your potential customers to carry out any software installations or plug-ins.
- The easyclick2call button can be fully customised and branded with your company logo.